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Today, the Bundesverband Digitale Wirtschaft BVDW e.V. published the Code of Conduct for Programmatic Advertising and adlicious is one of the first companies to sign it.More information about the objectives and requirements is available at

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Photo of a smiling lady in a sunny town square, carrying shopping bags and a laptop, and looking at her smartphone

Through precise knowledge of purchase intentions and their programmatic use, it is possible to efficiently conduct online marketing for e-commerce, including in display advertising, and to achieve competitive advantages for your own company. This allows retailers to target potential new and existing customers in a targeted and individual manner with suitable ads, i.e. target.

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Photo of a man looking up at multiple charts, green background

In the digital marketing industry, the keys to technologies that can unleash millions of advertising dollars are given far too often to newcomers to agencies. These technologies include the demand-side platform (DSP). It is a powerful tool when it comes to options in terms of spending volume, revenue and in-depth insights — as long as advertisers know how to find them. Are DSPs too powerful for the users behind them?

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screenshot of "The taste of powerful advertising" video showing the words 5000 successful campaigns.

adlicious - your experts for successful programmatic advertising

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Cover image for Magazin für Data Driven Advertising, February 2016

Set up data-driven campaigns in programmatic advertising correctly: we have put together the most important tips for data-driven programmatic advertising.

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