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Managed service: Why DSPs are “too powerful” for most users

In the digital marketing industry, the keys to technologies that can unleash millions of advertising dollars are given far too often to newcomers to agencies. These technologies include the demand-side platform (DSP). It is a powerful tool when it comes to options in terms of spending volume, revenue and in-depth insights — as long as advertisers know how to find them. Are DSPs too powerful for the users behind them?

Drivers have an enormous responsibility when they drive a 1.5-ton metal machine across the motorway. However, it is not possible to simply go off, buy a car and drive off—you need a driver's license to drive a car properly. Incorrect keystrokes can also lead to accidents: wasted advertising money. Extraordinary performance is typically hidden. Over-the-counter aspirin helps with all sorts of pain, but does not cure anything serious. The same can be said for campaign optimizations in a DSP: a simple algorithm does its part — an experienced programmatic expert looks deeper. In order to deliver the best ROI, it is also necessary to optimize the more complex metrics. Every business has completely unique requirements. Different business models rely on different KPIs, reports and target groups — even within the same industry. No DSP can represent all of these different characteristics. In order to achieve full marketing potential, programmatic service providers must technically represent data and improved workflows in internal systems. The real operational costs exceed DSP costs. Companies that have taken RTB in-house report after six months: “We now have half of data, results and insights. We'll leave it.” Getting off to a full start programmatically requires experience, the right experts and proven data science to generate effective insights — a significant investment of time and money.

PDF [One Pager]: DSP - Why Managed Service

Source: AdExchanger (Jay Friedman, 2015)


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