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Adlicious programmatic branding in ADZINE

In the meantime, there are also Branding campaigns use programmatic purchasing. In the USA, a good 55 percent of display ads are said to have been purchased programmatically in 2015. Branding in programmatic does not have to reinvent the wheel; rather, the possibilities are increasing, whether in terms of measurement, reporting or even addressing target groups more precisely.

ADZINE has collected expert opinions on programmatic branding in a recent article - Adlicious continues to attach great importance to the environment, but the focus is on other parameters: “We want to play large formats, preferably above-the-fold, and reach the right user. We work with whitelists for branding, which allow us to buy premium placements on large formats via open RTB. It is possible to save 70 percent of costs — in other words, three times more effective media in the target group for the same money.”


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