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AdBlocker illustration

More than 15 million Internet users in Germany can no longer be reached via display advertising due to adblock technologies. For brands, this means that a significant portion of the target group is currently not addressed or is only insufficiently addressed with advertising.

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Schwarzes Pfeilsymbol, das nach rechts zeigt
Adults in a learning environment, possibly a conference or meeting room

What is behind the hype? For dmexco, our assessment of which trends will determine marketing in 2019...

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Schwarzes Pfeilsymbol, das nach rechts zeigt
Picture of businessman with technology icons over the photograph

We explain how intelligent commerce marketing uses the different strengths of big players in the area of digital advertising and at the same time reduces dependence on Internet giants.

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Schwarzes Pfeilsymbol, das nach rechts zeigt
Slow shutter-speed photography of a crowd of people overlayed with tech/data imagery

What contribution do attribution models make to successful online marketing campaigns? What does a brand marketer have to consider when choosing the right model and how can it be implemented? adlicious and Flashtalking provide answers to these highly topical questions.

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Schwarzes Pfeilsymbol, das nach rechts zeigt
Man with checkered shirt typing on a keyboard. In the background you can see a lady who is also typing

Thanks to the effectiveness and efficiency of current marketing technologies, programmatic campaigns have developed from a revolutionary tool to a far-reaching standard in digital advertising.

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Schwarzes Pfeilsymbol, das nach rechts zeigt
Photo of adlicious co-founder and managing director David Lange in an interview

d3con Video RecapCurrent opportunities and challenges in digital advertising, the role of trading desks and what advertisers should pay attention to in programmatic advertising.

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Schwarzes Pfeilsymbol, das nach rechts zeigt