Man with checkered shirt typing on a keyboard. In the background you can see a lady who is also typing

The be-all and end-all for successful programmatic campaigns

Thanks to the effectiveness and efficiency of current marketing technologies, programmatic campaigns have developed from a revolutionary tool to a far-reaching standard in digital advertising.

The potential of automatically delivered campaigns is huge, but only a few advertisers manage to unleash their full power. The goals are clear: to reach the right users at the right time with the right message at the lowest possible cost. So what are the success factors in the digital discipline of programmatic advertising management? The starting point of every campaign: The target group basis of a successful campaign is the correct definition of the target group, because essential campaign management settings are geared to the target group, including the appropriate technology provider. With regard to inventory offerings, you need to be aware that different demand-side platforms (DSP) must be used for mobile, video, display and special formats. Because not every DSP communicates with every supply-side platform (SSP) in the same way to obtain offers for relevant placements and user contacts. If you limit it to too few platforms, there is a risk that bid requests will not arrive and that you as an advertiser will miss out on the opportunity to bid on valuable contacts via bid response. Regional differences must also be considered. Only with balanced use of the right DSP can defined target groups be addressed and the success of digital marketing measures increased.

Reach alone does not guarantee success

When managing programmatic advertising, it is not only user reach that counts — but also their contact quality at the right frequency. Targeting data is the basis for targeted marketing and should determine the procedure within the programmatic campaign. The settings that are individually appropriate for the advertiser and their goals and their continuous adjustment in the campaign are just as important. This includes playing in high-quality environments. Creative performance also contributes to advertising success, which, in the best case, is data-based and tailored precisely to the respective user segment in the target group. However, added value in reaching the target group can only be achieved if the campaign is aimed at the right users — and not at the bundled media volume of the marketer, as is often the case.

Use data, gain insights

The correctly selected and used targeting data fuel successful campaigns by addressing the interests and buying intentions of users in order to ultimately achieve more sales through a better advertising effect. The (performance) data obtained from the campaign also provides valuable information for the further orientation of marketing. The value of data is undoubtedly high. It is therefore advisable to find a setup that protects relevant information and prevents competitors from benefiting from it. To do this, you do not necessarily have to access your own platform; it is sufficient to use the advertiser's own DMP (data management platform). In order to correctly evaluate and use data, it requires the long-standing expertise and technical know-how of specialists who help brands find and manage the best possible marketing mix along the customer journey.

From measurability to comparability

Compared to classic poster or magazine ads, whose advertising impact cannot be comprehensively measured, the success of digital campaigns can be directly attributed and evaluated. This applies to both performance and branding campaigns. Regardless of the type of campaign, it is essential to create comparability between individual measures. The right KPIs must be derived from overarching goals such as proof of target group reach, environmental quality, visibility and contact dose, so that they can be mapped across all measures and made comparable as a basis for campaign optimization.

Questioning (hidden) dependencies

Marketing measures can only fully contribute to the right target group and campaign goals if advertising inventories are used independently of mandatory approvals and no limited set of marketing technologies can be used. When working with their media agencies, advertisers should therefore value independence from inventory providers (marketers) and technology providers. Programmatic marketing offers the opportunity to effectively and efficiently achieve brand and sales goals. As a result of the rapid change from traditional advertising spaces to programmatic ones, the complexity of media planning continues to increase. Campaign managers need special mathematical knowledge and a high level of analytical understanding in order to derive conclusions for campaigns from data and successfully implement them. This includes constantly reviewing advertising measures, constantly adapting the campaign and not relying on generally applicable setups and structures.

This post is first posted at T3n appeared.


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