Photo showing Kathy, our Head of TV at adlicious being interviewed.

Back to the roots: TV as an advertising channel

Always evergreen, TV advertising is almost once again a hot topic in the advertising industry — at least when it comes to us, because despite specializing in digital channels, adlicious has decided to include TV in its portfolio. And that would already reveal the first question to Kathy, our Head of TV. We talked to her about why adlicious added a TV offering, whether it required a considerable budget, and what potential she sees in TV for products, brands and specific target groups. Kathy worked for a leading Hamburg media agency for 17 years, where she led a TV planning team and worked on the development of new business — so if anyone knows their way around here, it's Kathy.

Many think that TV as an advertising channel is out of date — so why should you still document it? Reality shows: Yes, the use of TV is declining, but it is still very relevant, which is why TV advertising continues to have a great raison d'être! The medium is super reliable, because no other medium reaches as many people in as short a time as television. This rapid expansion of reach is particularly beneficial for brands that want to address a broad target group and for new products or time-critical offers.

But where the reach is large, the budget is rarely small — one would assume now. However, through efficient budget use and a cross-media strategy, TV advertising can be made cost-effective. In addition, new, digital approaches to data collection of TV usage enable better management and implementation of, for example, personas and marketing target groups. TV in media mix enhances the performance of other media (halo effect) and leads to measurably better conversions. In particular, inquiries via search engines are heavily pushed by TV advertising, which can increase the overall success of a campaign.

Despite digital dominance, TV remains an indispensable advertising medium. With its wide reach, strong advertising impact and ability to amplify other media, TV offers a unique platform for brands. Efficiency is further increased through the targeted use of data and AI optimization. Companies also benefit from brand safety and the high-quality placement of their advertising messages. TV is not outdated, but a proven and effective channel in the modern media mix, which is why adlicious has decided to set up a TV area and thus offer customers new, innovative solutions in the future: The planning, consulting and implementation of TV campaigns in symbiosis with digital advertising!


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