digitaler Mediaetat


digitaler Mediaetat





case study


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Photo of a smartphone screen showing the Google search home page

The excitement is great: Google's announcement that it will refrain from individual tracking in its own cosmos is causing turmoil and uncertainty in the advertising industry. Many articles with headlines such as “Google stops personalized advertising” have also contributed to this. Time to light things up in the dark with a Q&A.

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Schwarzes Pfeilsymbol, das nach rechts zeigt
Photo of Daniel Skoda, Managing Partner at adlicious

This month, Daniel Skoda, Managing Partner at adlicious, is looking outside the box and talking about an adlicious campaign for globetrotters and a form council in which he still sees a lot of untapped potential.

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Schwarzes Pfeilsymbol, das nach rechts zeigt
Smartphone with lock graphic and the word secured as well as a check mark on the screen

Targeting the target group, optimizing ongoing campaigns and, in the best case, making advertising media more dynamic — programmatic advertising can do all of this. The basis for all of this: data. And since the introduction of the GDPR/GDPR, no advertisers, publishers or AdTech providers have been able to ignore the topics of data protection and consent management.

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Schwarzes Pfeilsymbol, das nach rechts zeigt
Graphic image showing people thinking about different items. (Rendered in a flat-colour style)

With platforms such as Netflix or Spotify, we are now used to being served content that is individually tailored to our preferences. Especially with the mass of content that we encounter on all platforms, such a recommendation can massively influence our consumption decision. But why are entertainment companies giving their customers this feature, while advertisers still rarely resort to personalization in the fight for the right target group?

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Schwarzes Pfeilsymbol, das nach rechts zeigt