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Illustration showing dynamic online advertising

What are dynamic ads actually? We'll explain to you how they work and how you can use them successfully for campaigns.

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Viktor Eichmann

Google, Facebook and Amazon are an integral part of the online advertising business. But more open ecosystems are needed, demands Eichmann, co-founder and managing director of Adlicious. His recommendations for advertisers.

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Daniel Skoda

Uniform models for measuring advertising impact are still missing. Until solutions are available, advertisers should follow these five steps to measure effectiveness and optimize processes, says guest author Daniel Skoda.

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Photo of an old-fashioned CRT television

Both classic TV and now programmatic advertising have become an integral part of the advertising world as marketing channels. In doing so, advertisers are giving away potential when they manage their campaigns in isolation across the channels and do not interlock them in the media mix. Linear TV in particular — although declining among the young target group — still has high coverage, but is only coordinated with digital channels to a limited extent in media planning.

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David Lange wears a dark blue golf shirt in an adlicious office

In recent years, China has become the country with the most foreign tourists. 162 million Chinese traveled abroad in 2018 — an increase of 13.5 percent compared to the previous year. Even more impressive is the figure that shows how much money is invested in travel and tourism.

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Smartphone with Inc. Logo on screen

Amazon advertising has long been considered the next big thing in the online marketing industry. Regardless of whether it's branding or performance campaigns, the e-commerce giant covers all areas — with success. Last year, Amazon generated advertising revenue of around ten billion US dollars.

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