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More conversions thanks to purchase intent data

Our case with Semasio in the new 'Magazine for Data Driven Advertising, 'describes how we were able to achieve 7-times higher engagement rates and 15x more conversions for VALMANO by targeting purchase intentions.

To ensure that only potential new customers are addressed, all existing customers were flagged and excluded from advertising material before the campaign was launched. that Purchase Intent Target “People interested in jewelry” and an untargeted control group were controlled programmatically in parallel under otherwise the same conditions. Die scores: Users who were targeted via Purchase Intent Targeting generated almost twice as many clicks at significantly lower costs per click. A direct uplift of the response campaign was achieved and significantly more sales were generated immediately.

 Successful with data-driven advertising: What do you know about data And the Targeting should know. Link to detailed Case Study in the 'Magazine for Data Driven Advertising: ' 


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