With our “drive-to-store” ads, we have created an innovative advertising tool that bridges the gap from online to stationary retail.The dynamic ads combine products with data-based prospecting and a map function that directly shows the route to the nearest store where the respective product can be purchased. We can now present you with a first drive-to-store case.

Starting position: A supplier of consumer electronics wants to support its promotional product “Gaming PC/Laptop” with an eye-catching campaign to boost sales in local branches. The desired target group: bargain hunters in the vicinity of the respective branches.results:

  • A 34 percent lower CPM compared to the reference campaign
  • 69 percent viewability. Well above the industry average of 46 percent
  • A 44 percent higher click-through rate than the reference campaign

Download the full case study You are also welcome to take a look at our previous blog articles on the topic of drive-to-store and find out more about the Uses and the technical background.

Book a drive-to-store

Are you interested in our drive-to-store ads? Use the contact form and our team will create individually tailored concepts for you: https://www.adlicious.me/contact
