David Lange in adlicious Offices

The Future of Marketing with David Lange

Nothing less than “The Future of Marketing” is the topic of Jan Mehlhose's “The Business Artist Podcast”, which featured David Lange, adlicious Co-Founder and Managing Director, as a guest. Partially, at least.


Programmatic advertising - what is that actually?

A classic question: What is programmatic advertising and why is it so effective? “Programmatic advertising is in a certain way the technological development of traditional media shopping,” says David's short answer, and then goes further.” You simply save yourself a lot of work and time, which you can invest more sensibly elsewhere.” Because classic media bookings, where you have to talk to each publisher individually and make agreements, are indeed a real time waster. The fact that the respective publishers do not communicate with each other is another problem of the classic media business that programmatic advertising solves. You can keep an eye on which user is being shown ads and, thanks to the corresponding data, you can optimize your campaign much better in order to achieve your goals.

Why adlicious?

Programmatic advertising is now established and the number of service providers is constantly growing. That's where Jan's question is “Why adlicious?” On hand, of course. But David finds good reasons for adlicious.1: adlicious is established. Your own brand was built up and you showed to a wide variety of customers that you understand your craft and can get the best out of the corresponding budgets.2: adlicious is 100 percent independent. No investor owns shares, you do not belong to any technology provider and are also not part of a network network. This means that you have no pressure with short-term growth goals and can make 100 percent of every decision yourself and represent it to the customer.3: adlicious uses software and technology that is unique on the market. This is constantly being developed, just as new product innovations are constantly being worked on. A real USP.

The path to programmatic business

“Read a lot. Read a lot and talk to people who have the appropriate knowledge,” is David's tip to (young) people who want to develop and expand programmatic skills and knowledge. However, the focus is not only on the technical aspects of programmatic media buying such as DSPs, SSPs, etc., but also on topics such as data protection and brand building.

The Future of Marketing

“A very difficult and complex question” is David's answer to Melhoven's question about what the future of marketing looks like. Yet he dares to make three forecasts.1: The market is dominated by global big players such as Google, Facebook and Amazon. Assuming that there is no policy interference.2: The cookie dies out. On the one hand for data protection reasons, and on the other hand because big players will rely on a type of ID system in the future. In this way, even more targeted targeting can be created and, in contrast to a cookie, an ID cannot simply be deleted. Only if you completely turn away from a provider.3: Programmatic advertising will become even more important. In the future, more and more advertising formats will be programmatically accessible. Video is really important, audio is currently experiencing a boom and is becoming more and more important. It enables a completely different type of marketing and offers great potential with digital radio stations or platforms such as Spotify. There are also likely to be some exciting developments in the area of digital out of home in the future.

You can listen to the detailed answers to the questions, David's experiences in China and many other exciting views about programmatic and the future of marketing for yourself in the episode linked above.


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