In November and December 2021, the branding campaign for Cunard ran with a cross-media approach. During the cold winter months, the aim was to awaken anticipation of the Cunard Queens cruises and stir up emotions and to increase Cunard's brand recognition following the Corona crisis.

The approach was to address the relevant target group with contact class optimization via various devices. Starting with video ads via CTV and VOD followed by display ads, which showed the target group exciting trips. In order to determine the optimal way to address interested parties, various targeting setups and advertising material motifs were developed and continuously tested against each other. Real-time campaign data was incorporated into the configuration of relevant target group personas and the continuous optimization of the tactics and advertising material combinations used as a result. In addition, DOOH ads were played out in metropolitan regions at peak times to convince Cunard's target group. The results prove the positive impact of the campaign. The target groups close placements and the high frequency guaranteed attention and thus created awareness. In addition, the campaign moved Cunard into the relevant set of consumers. Over the course of the campaign, over 91% of the target group was reached. As a result, brand awareness among the target group increased by delta 40% (measured by adlicious survey ads)

Alexander Karge, Online Marketing Manager at Cunard: adlicious impressed us with their smart approach and was able to consistently improve campaign success during the campaign through optimizations and adaptations, thus increasing our brand awareness.
