Even before Corona, many marketers were asking themselves how to attract more customers to stores. Our answer: drive-to-store ads.

This report of our work with Outdoor Expert Globetrotter Shows how drive-to-store ads work and what impact they can have.

Campaign visual for Globetrotter. White text promoting the opening of a new store, with a forest background aerial photo.
Visual campaigns

The task:

Even in these unique times, the well-known outdoor specialist Globetrotter is relying on the direct local product experience and celebrated the reopening of its Berlin branch on October 1, 2020. In addition to the Innovation Lab, where the latest ideas and products from the outdoor market are presented, a club hut for events and workshops, an in-house workshop and a café with panoramic views of Berlin provide a special shopping experience.

This new Globetrotter Experience should be promoted accordingly and traffic in the store should be ensured, of course in accordance with applicable hygiene regulations.

The campaign ad in action in front of the Berlin Globetrotter Store. Source: umdasch
The campaign ad in action in front of the Berlin Globetrotter Store. source: umdasch

The approach:

In order to generate the desired traffic in the newly opened experience branch, Globetrotter and adlicious used drive-to-store technology for this campaign. This innovative advertising format combines data from the digital customer journey with large-scale branding elements and an integrated map, which navigates the respective users directly to the nearest store.

Due to the local factor of the new opening, the campaign was only run in the greater Berlin area and played out on premium AGOF inventory. In this case, the target group was women and men aged 18 — 65+ in the appropriate area who were interested in outdoor activities.

Image showing the possibilities that drive-to-store ads offer.
The options offered by drive-to-store ads.


“The campaign to reopen our Berlin store was a complete success. An adlicious drive-to-store approach has also contributed to this. It paid off for us to focus on innovation in these demanding times. The campaign not only generated a high level of attention for the opening on favourable terms, but also demonstrably brought visitors to the store.”

Matthias Schwarte, Head of Marketing at Globetrotter

The full success of the opening is also reflected in the figures from the drive-to-store campaign. The campaign was particularly strong among the young target group (18-24 years) with a CTR (click-through rate) of over 1.00%. At 0.64%, the campaign's overall CTR value was also well above the industry average.

The fortnightly campaign was demonstrably able to attract a high three-digit number of customers to visit the Globetrotter store in Berlin. The CPS (cost per store visit) was in the low double-digit euro range.

Key facts at a glance:

  • Cost-Per-Store Visit: Low two-digit
  • Store Visitors: High three-digit number
  • Total CTR: 36 percent above benchmark
  • CTR target group (18-24): More than twice as high as usual

Download the case study: Adlicious x Globetrotter

Also recommended: The interview about the case with Matthias Schwarte, Head of Marketing at Globetrotter and Marie-Kristin Peters, Team Lead Account Management at adlicious.
