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Someone doing analytics on a laptop computer

On August 15, 2020, the time has come - the TCF 2.0 (Transparency and Consent Frameworks) replaces the previous 1.1 version. We explain which features the update brings and which problems can occur when switching.

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Photo of a man holding a smartphone and wearing a red shirt. The screen faces the viewer and he takes a photo/video. The smartphone screen shows an image of the white Nike logo embroidered on his red shirt

Reader's Digest's “Most Trusted Brands” survey is one of the most anticipated surveys of the year among marketing managers. After all, year after year, consumers rate brands based on whether they would personally recommend them to friends and acquaintances.

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Graphic image showing people thinking about different items. (Rendered in a flat-colour style)

With platforms such as Netflix or Spotify, we are now used to being served content that is individually tailored to our preferences. Especially with the mass of content that we encounter on all platforms, such a recommendation can massively influence our consumption decision. But why are entertainment companies giving their customers this feature, while advertisers still rarely resort to personalization in the fight for the right target group?

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Shopping center interior

Corona is still pending, but due to the current positive development and the associated easing, most retailers have now reopened their branches. Time to think now at the latest about how the stationary business can be strengthened.

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Screenshot from the Online Karrieretag Podcast (Online Career Day podcast) with David Lange

Our Co-Founder and Managing Director David Lange answers Luka Andresen's questions in the Online Career Day podcast and explains, among other things, what distinguishes adlicious and which skills are in demand in the industry.

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David Lange in adlicious Offices

Nothing less than “The Future of Marketing” is the topic of Jan Mehlhose's “The Business Artist Podcast”, which featured David Lange, adlicious Co-Founder and Managing Director, as a guest. Partially, at least.

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