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AdTrader/BankingClub: the programmatic strategies of C&A and WeltSparen

C&A and WeltSparen share exciting insights into their strategy, shed light on their marketing challenges and explain the programmatic success factors.

Julia Rupprath is responsible for display & retargeting at C&A. Together with Dmitry Propp, Head of Data & Analytics at adlicious, she will speak on 18.5. at AdTrader Conference in Berlin about how a top brand can grow with programmatic and achieve greater efficiency in the process: “Only with a well-thought-out setup and granular control can the full potential of programmatic be developed and scaling limits overcome.”

Explained the day before (17.5.) Dr. Frank Freund, CFO of WeltSparen, the importance of programmatic advertising in building the largest digital marketplace for simple savings products. The Congress Innovations for Banks The BankingClub in Cologne deals with digital transformation and innovative customer contact in the financial sector and brings banks together with fintechs.


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