Flyer for Hygge Morning Talks Meets Rock Stars

Hygge morning talks meets rock stars


For advertisers and agencies, it is no longer a question of whether they rely on programmatic and data-driven advertising, but which strategies they can use to optimize efficiency gains and ROI. We have created Hygge Morning Talks to help you question your strategies and help you optimize your data-driven & programmatic advertising.

During the Hygge Morning Talk, programmatic and data experts meet those who want to become one in a cozy atmosphere. Participants can expect a practical insight into the data-driven present and future of digital marketing based on insights and best practices. The Hygge Morning Talk on March 02, 2017 in Hamburg will take place in a hyggely atmosphere as a warm-up to the Online Marketing Rockstars Festival. Every Hygge Morning Talk participant who registers by February 23, 2017 will receive a free ticket to the Online Marketing Rockstars Expo.


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