E-Commerce Week 2020

E-Commerce Week 2020

E-Commerce Week is an online conference taking place this year from May 4 to 8. More than 90 speakers from the e-commerce world share their knowledge and give you exciting insights into current developments in the industry. Of course, we're also there. In his presentation (Wednesday, May 6 at 11:00), our Managing Director David Lange explains how customers can be activated with dynamic ads.

David also addresses this topic in his master class, where he deals extensively with the possibilities of dynamic prospecting and dynamic retargeting. He also shows how brick-and-mortar retail can be pushed through online marketing measures with our innovative “drive-to-store” ads. Presentations and master classes are broadcasted online and are also permanently available to Masterclass ticket holders. With the voucher code “adlicious”, you get the ticket for all lectures free of charge and can save almost 200 euros on participating in the master classes! About the tickets.

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